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Scala layer

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scala.png with ensime.png

1 Description

This layer adds support for the Scala language using the excellent ENSIME client/server.

2 Layer Installation

To use this configuration layer, add it to your ~/.spacemacs. You will need to add scala to the existing dotspacemacs-configuration-layers list in this file.

3 Ensime

ENSIME provides IDE-like features, such as refactoring, incremental compilation and project-wide type-checking.

ENSIME requires a configuration file at the root of each Scala project. It provides an SBT plugin to generate these files.

3.1 Installation

Refer to the Ensime installation instructions to install the sbt-ensime plugin.

Please note you have to use a version newer than 0.13.5 of sbt in your project's project/ For example,


3.2 Usage

  1. Create a .ensime file at the root of your Scala project using sbt ensimeConfig and sbt ensimeConfigProject at the shell.
  2. Run M-x ensime within Emacs to start an ENSIME session.

Each Scala project uses a dedicated ENSIME session, so you only need to run M-x ensime once per project. Any Scala files you create or visit within the project will automatically use ENSIME for the remainder of your editing session.

4 Scalastyle

Scalastyle provides style-checking and linting. The Emacs functionality is provided by Flycheck.

To use scalastyle,

  1. Download the scalastyle jar and put it somewhere sensible
    • If you are a brew user in OSX you can do: brew install scalastyle
  2. Customise the flycheck-scalastyle-jar and flycheck-scalastylerc variables in your dotspacemacs/user-config i.e.:
(setq flycheck-scalastyle-jar
(setq flycheck-scalastylerc

See the flycheck documentation and scalastyle configuration for up-to-date configuration instructions.

4.1 Use Java doc-style

To enable java-doc-style, set the variable scala-indent:use-javadoc-style to t

(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(
  (scala :variables scala-indent:use-javadoc-style t)))

5 Automatically show the type of the symbol under the cursor

To enable the feature ensime-print-type-at-point when cursor moves, set the variable scala-enable-eldoc to t.

(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(
  (scala :variables scala-use-java-doc-style t)))

Enabling this option can cause slow editor performance.

6 Automatically insert asterisk in multiline comments

To insert a leading asterisk in multiline comments automatically, set the variable scala-auto-insert-asterisk-in-comments to t.

(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(
  (scala :variables scala-auto-insert-asterisk-in-comments t)))

7 Automatically replace arrows with unicode ones

To replace =>, -> and <- with unicode arrows , and , set the variable scala-use-unicode-arrows to t.

If in some occasions you don't want the arrows replaced (for example when defining compound operators like =>>), you can always undo the change and get the ascii arrows back.

(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(
  (scala :variables scala-use-unicode-arrows t)))

8 Auto-start

If you prefer to have Ensime start when you load a scala file, you can enable it with

(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(
    (scala :variables scala-auto-start-ensime t)))

9 Key bindings

9.1 Ensime key bindings

9.1.2 sbt

Key Binding Description
SPC m b . sbt transient state
SPC m b b sbt command
SPC m b c compile
SPC m b C clean command
SPC m b i switch to sbt shell
SPC m b p package command
SPC m b r run command

9.1.3 Typecheck

Key Binding Description
SPC m c t type check the current file
SPC m c T type check all the open buffers

9.1.4 Debug

Key Binding Description
SPC m d A Attach to a remote debugger
SPC m d b set breakpoint
SPC m d B clear breakpoint
SPC m d C clear all breakpoints
SPC m d c continue
SPC m d d start a debug session
SPC m d i inspect value at point
SPC m d l list local variables
SPC m d n next
SPC m d o step out
SPC m d q quit
SPC m d r run
SPC m d s step
SPC m d t backtrace

Note: These key bindings need a transient-state, PR welcome :-)

9.1.5 Errors

Key Binding Description
SPC m e e print error at point
SPC m e l show all errors and warnings
SPC m e s switch to buffer containing the stack trace parser

9.1.6 Goto

Key Binding Description
SPC m g g go to definition
SPC m g i go to implementation
SPC m g t go to test
SPC m h T print full type name at point
SPC m h t print short type name at point
SPC m y T yank full type name at point
SPC m y t yank short type name at point

9.1.8 Documentation, Inspect

Key Binding Description
SPC m h h show documentation for symbol at point
SPC m h u show uses for symbol at point
SPC m i i inspect type at point
SPC m i I inspect type in other frame
SPC m i p inspect project package

9.1.9 Server

Key Binding Description
SPC m n F reload open files
SPC m n s start ensime server
SPC m n S regenerate the .ensime and restart the ensime server

9.1.10 Refactoring

Key Binding Description
SPC m r a add type annotation
SPC m r f format source
SPC m r d get rid of an intermediate variable (ensime-refactor-inline-local)
SPC m r D get rid of an intermediate variable (ensime-undo-peek)
SPC m r i organize imports
SPC m r m extract a range of code into a method
SPC m r r rename a symbol project wide
SPC m r t import type at point
SPC m r v extract a range of code into a variable
SPC m z expand/contract region

9.1.11 Tests

Key Binding Description
SPC m t a test command (sbt)
SPC m t r test quick command (sbt)
SPC m t t test only (sbt)

9.1.12 REPL

Key Binding Description
SPC m s a ask for a file to be loaded in the REPL
SPC m s b send buffer to the REPL
SPC m s B send buffer to the REPL and focus the REPL buffer in insert state
SPC m s i start or switch to the REPL inferior process
SPC m s r send region to the REPL
SPC m s R send region to the REPL and focus the REPL buffer in insert state

Author: Sylvain Benner

Created: 2016-10-03 Mon 00:55
